Icons not loading over SSL (https)

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Evan Herman 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4973

    Post count: 2

    Hello Evan,

    I have this website (https://manmetbrilkoffie.nl/) which uses a SSL certificate and the icons won’t load only in the http version of the website.
    The error message is: Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://manmetbrilkoffie.nl/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure font ‘http://manmetbrilkoffie.nl/wp-content/uploads/wp-svg-icons/custom-pack/fonts/icomoon.woff?51a2yj’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

    Could you help please?

    Thank you.


    Michael Heinz
    Post count: 5
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    Post count: 2

    Hi Michael,

    First of all, thank you for your reply.

    I tried your suggestion and I still have the problem.
    I checked the database and the entries were updated so the script worked but the problem persists.

    Do you have other ideas why this is not working?

    Best regards,


    Evan Herman
    Post count: 568

    Hi Adrian,

    Michaels suggestion is correct in that the paths to the icons is correct, but if that didn’t help to resolve the issue it could also be the paths to the actual font files themselves.

    Can you try re-uploading the custom font pack that you currently have installed? The paths inside of the stylesheet may need to be updated to https as well.



    Post count: 2

    Hi Evan,

    Thanks for answering. Actually what’s happening is quite strange for me and I don’t figure out the problem.

    As you suggested, I re-uploaded the custom font pack and checked the style.css and all links have https.

    I attached a screen capture of the plugin settings page. The WP dashboard has also https and because of this the icons don’t appear in the settings page either and in the browser console I have the same message. This happens also after I re-uploaded the font pack. On my laptop I have reproduced the website and since I don’t have SSL certificate, the icons appear.

    I mention that I use wpengine web hosting, maybe you know to be some issues with them.
    Do you have any other thoughts regarding this issue?

    Best regards,

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    Evan Herman
    Post count: 568

    Hi Adrian,

    If you are still having issues feel free to reach out via the contact form in the navigation. We can work things out. I’m actually using the plugin here on this site via HTTPS and not running into issues, so I’m wondering what could be wrong on your end. Once I hear from you there we can discuss things further and come up with a few solutions on how to resolve it.



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