how to style content in the collapse field

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Evan Herman 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #3286

    Post count: 3

    hello evan,
    first of all: you have created a very nice and easy-to-use plugin! thanks for your efforts.
    however i have some problems displaying content using the plugin.
    this is the site i am struggeling with:

    i can include the content in the collapsible sections, using the insert-tab on the WYSIWYG editor in the WP-backend and it works the way it should BUT when i try to style the content to anything different from ONE simple paragraph it somehow seems to break up the structure and the sections become NON-collapsible. i have tried <br />, which get converted to <p>s automatically, as well as wrapping every sentence in the p callapse classes. nothing seems to work, the content is displayed as is and i cannot get it to be displayed and expanded only on click.
    some text i have entered in the backend is displayed in the html code but not displayed on the front-end. i don´t know why.

    any advice on how i can do breaks and styling within one collapsible div section?

    this is driving me crazy and i hope you can help me.
    thanks a lot in advance and best regards.

    keep up the good work.


    Evan Herman
    Post count: 568

    Hi Neunneun,

    I’m not sure what the specific issue may be, but It’s possible that you are loading an outdated version of jQuery. It looks like your site is loading the 1.7 version, where the library is currently up to 1.11. Maybe try swapping out for a newer version of the library to see if that helps.



    Post count: 3

    thanks for the quick reply.
    i have updated to the latest query using the query updater plugin – should be fine now but the problem is still there.
    is it even possible to paste anything else than unformatted text into the collapsible content section?
    have u tested if/how content can be formatted/styled if you don´t just want to have one simple paragraph and/or photo/video?

    looking at the HTML of my site it looks all exactly as you have documented it in your demo.
    thant´s so strange.


    Post count: 3

    any update on this?
    is it even possible to enter anything than one <p> in the collapse content field?
    Thanks in advance for your support


    Post count: 3

    it would be nice, if you could confirm/not confirm about the other content than one single <p> paragraph.
    thanks in advance


    Evan Herman
    Post count: 568

    Hi Neunneun,

    Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I have a lot of client work that I have been getting done.

    To answer your question, yes I have confirmed that you can successfully add multiple lines of HTML content to the hidden div. Everything should remain formatted, and should be wrapped in it’s own div which controls what is visible or hidden.

    If you can give me a page where your trying to style it, and let me know what you’re trying to achieve I can provide better assistance.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Evan Herman.
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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