Timeline Express – Historical Dates Add-on

Note: This plugin is an add-on to Timeline Express, and will not work without the base plugin installed first. This add-on only accepts US date formats (m/d/y) and is limited to years between 1000-9999.
This add-on will work with both the free and pro version of Timeline Express.

Out of the box Timeline Express allows users to save a wide range of dates. One limitation is the ability to save dates prior to January 1st, 1970. Unfortunately this is a limitation with the built in PHP function strtotime().

With this add-on we’ve re-written how the announcement dates get stored in the database, how they are retrieved, and how they get displayed back to your users; finally allowing you to save dates prior to January 1st, 1970.

This has been a highly requested feature from our users, with a wide range of uses. Freedom at last!
